
CBI Service

A single electronic connection for cash management activities

CBI Service
CBI Service

Interbank Corporate Banking, also known as CBI, is an online banking service launched in 1995 to enable companies that are customers of several banks to effectively and efficiently manage their cash management activities.

The service incorporates an online connection between the Access PSP, or one of its Authorised Technical Organisations (STD), and the company and enables online flows containing collection, payment, information and document management orders to be exchanged also with all the Executing PSPs.

CBI S.c.p.a. provides customers with an adequate level of service, also by checking compliance with the rules.


In particular, the CBI Service:

  • centralises a company’s relations with the whole banking industry into a single point;
  • provides a wide range of financial, information and commercial functions and enables the PSP to supply a customised service according to the needs of the individual company;
  • uses interoperable communications standards based on the leading international standards;
  • provides a service based on cooperation between PSPs under the CBI umbrella, without impairing competition.

The CBI Service is marketed by PSPs competitively in compliance with the rules defined within CBI on the basis of the white labelling principle.


The company uses several PSPs and can operate with them through a single online connection, with the following advantages:

  • all PSPs can be reached through a single online connection;
  • the same method is used to receive information on several accounts, and to give instructions;
  • quick receipt of information and transmission of instructions to the PSP;
  • there is no need to visit the PSP’s premises;
  • contractual guarantees on service levels;
  • guarantees on data confidentiality and security;
  • a single PSP can be a contact point for any technical or transmission issues;
  • the company’s accounting and financial management, as well as its administration, commercial and inventories management, is optimised;
  • lower management costs.

Service quality levels are guaranteed by CBI, which can transmit service standards and rules and ensure that they are complied with by PSPs and the structures they use.


The CBI network also features services subscribed via a Digital Signature.



Contact us for membership and further information on the service.



To access the standards and documentation related to the CBI Service, log in or, if you have not registered yet, register using the button on the top right hand side.








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