
Financial Monitoring Project

Intermediaries and institutions against criminal infiltration in public contracts


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The Financial Monitoring of Large Public Infrastructure Projects Service allows Intermediaries to support the monitoring of financial flows linked to large public infrastructure projects, both to acquire greater knowledge as to how public monies are spent and to support investigations to prevent the infiltration of organised crime in public contracts.

The service was developed by CBI at the request of the Department for Programming and Coordination of Economic Policy (DIPE) of the Office of the Prime Minister and other institutional parties such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Economy and Finance - Department of the Treasury, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Large Infrastructure Projects Oversight Committee and the Anti-Mafia Investigative Office (DIA).

To support the project, trials were launched starting from 2009: T5 segment of the Rome Metro C line, Variante di Cannitello [Cannitello Cut-off], Large Pompei Project, and Milan M4 Metro line in May 2015 for the EXPO. The project, also called CAPACI - Creating Automated Procedures Against Criminal Infiltration in public contracts, taking the name of the place where Judge Falcone was tragically murdered, was included among the “good practices” in the “Report of the Commission to the European Council and Parliament on the fight against corruption in Italy”, presented in Brussels on 3 February 2014.

Law Decree No. 90 of 24 June 2014, converted to Law 114 of 11 August 2014, extended financial monitoring obligations to all large public infrastructure projects, followed by CIPE Resolution No. 15 of 28/01/2015, which provides technical guidelines and prescriptions for the proper execution of monitoring.

In 2013 – as part of the “Plafond ricostruzione sisma 2012” (2012 earthquake reconstruction fund) agreement signed by ABI and Cassa depositi e prestiti (CDP) on 17 December 2012 - the “CAPACI light” model was developed as a simplified version of the financial monitoring service model that allows banks to automatically report to CDP transactions carried out to finance the repair, restoration or reconstruction of buildings damaged or destroyed by the May 2012 earthquake in Emilia Romagna.

The excellent results achieved in applying the system to this case prompted the Authorities to adopt it also for the earthquakes occurred in 2016, which tragically involved towns in the regions of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria.

Companies participating in works related to Large Public Infrastructure Projects subject to financial monitoring, can consult the document “Guidebook for companies” that summarises the obligations they must fulfil to enable the monitoring service, as well as a sample file related to an XML SEPA Payment Order, by accessing the Reserved area.



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