
Financial education


Within the activities of CBI, lies the active promotion of digitalization of payments in addition to educating business and citizens on the correct use of digital tools, conducted through dissemination of information on financial education initiatives and on secure navigation of systems.  

Here follow a few of the major activities offered by key players in the Italian financial sector:

Canali di comunicazione banca-cliente

The Italian Banking Association (ABI) and the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings (FEduF), in agreement with the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the full support of banks and consumer associations, have created a guide against economic violence. What economic violence is and how it manifests itself, how to prevent it and how to counter it are the main points that the short guide highlights. With simple and immediate language, the vademecum aims to delve into the main aspects concerning this form of violence to help women who suffer it in addition to supporting citizens in understanding and acknowledging the phenomenon.

Guide and audio guide, designed by ABI and Italian Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted (UICI) are freely accessible online, in digital format, on the ABI website. Click here!


As part of the info-educational tools made available by Banks and directed to customers, ABI has designed the Guide "Bank-Customer Communication Channels."
The Guide is designed with the intention to illustrate to citizens, including the less experienced, the different channels of communication that Banks make available to customers and that are able to give advice, listen and communicate even at a distance, highlighting how they complement the possibility of going to the branch. These are synergistic modes that involve direct contact via telephone and e-mail, or through instant messaging services, video interactions and social channels including with a virtual assistant. Central and transversal to all the channels described in the guide is the issue of security and protection of one's personal data, with the aim of keeping the consumer's attention on these aspects high at all times.

Click here to download the Guide!


Within the framework of Financial Education Month, a national event promoted by the Committee responsible for financial education, ABI has released new podcasts for all citizens. The goal is to support citizens understanding of topics related to banking and savings and how these are evolving in the context of digital transformation and sustainable transition.

Click here to listen to the podcasts

Cybersicuri - impresa possibile

“Cybersicuri – impresa possibile” is the cybersecurity information campaign targeting the business world to raise awareness of the importance of investing in the security of systems and information for their employees. Taking into consideration the risk of cyber-attacks, which have affected 60 percent of Italian corporates in the past three years, this campaign increases the level of responsibility and awareness of businesses and employees.

You can follow “Cybersicuri – impresa possibile” on Youtube, Radio24's digital channel, social pages, and the website specifically for the initiative, where you can also find information about the main cyber scams.

Handbook of useful advice on protection of personal data

ABI (Italian Banking Association) together with the Italian National Police Force have produced a handbook of useful advice on protection of personal data.  According to a press release, this includes a few simple precautions and good practices that aim to reduce vulnerability and exposure to risk, explained using straightforward language. In addition to providing information on preventative measures increase safety, the handbook also offers advice on what do if you are a victim of fraud or scams. 

The handbook which supports a series of security measures implemented by ABI and individual banks , is available on the following dedicated sections of the ABI and Postal Police websites, furthermore, the handbook supports security tools and initiatives already implemented by ABI, institutions, and individual banks.

I Navigati

The “I Navigati” portal, a Certfin initiative, represents a point of reference for raising awareness and providing information on IT security.  This portal is particularly tailored towards the banking and insurance sectors, in addition to all those those who purchase online.

Visit site I NAVIGATI!

Fondazione per l'Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio

La “Fondazione per l’Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmia, an initiative of the Italian Banking Association promotes Financial Education, of the broadest scope, including inclusive and conscious Economic Citizenship.

To discover its projects click HERE.

Economia per tutti

The Bank of Italy ‘Economia per tutti‘ portal, specifically created to foster a financial culture in Italy, that provides citizens with concrete and everyday tools, such as: videos, documents, information sheets and more, to be to be able to use in everyday life.

To Find out more click HERE.


“Civico 101, via delle Finanze” web-series. 
A project funded by the Structural Reform Support program of the European Union, and created by the Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities, in collaboration with the European Commission.  
Featuring Eleven episodes recounting the adventures of a group persons living in the same Condo  , and in need of advice on  personal finances : both young and old who make their money /finances work for them, through a series of pondered decisions.

To watch the series click HERE.




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