CBI S.c.p.a.
On Thursday 8th October 2020, from 9:00 am to 9:30 am (CET), CBI S.c.p.a. will hold the Webinar "The development of Innovative Open Finance services with CBI Globe". The presentation will be in English and will be followed by a Q&A session.
The Open Banking scenario has introduced new challenges and opportunities for Payment Service Providers. The webinar will provide an overview of the Open Finance paradigm at international level and highlight the offer of CBI to support banks, fintech companies and other intermediaries in the development of new value-added services.
The webinar will provide a focus on innovative use cases, including, for example, the so-called Check IBAN service.
Participation in the webinar is free and open.
To participate, please login (top right) or register on the website as an "Prospect Members".
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