
Tax Registry

Simplified communications for tax registry obligations


Service target:


Service target:


In a regulatory context that provides for Tax Registry reporting obligations for the Financial Industry *, the “Tax Registry Communications Transmission” service offers CBI’s Intermediary customers the possibility of sending communications on current account annual transactions and balances to the Revenue Agency via CBI, thus fulfilling legal obligations.

The Tax Registry is a tool that, for assessment and control activities, contains knowledge about all of the subjects registered in it, whether individuals or legal entities that have a tax identification number. The creation of this database, and in particular of a section contained therein called Financial Accounts Archive, enables the relevant Institutions to quickly access the data on the subjects to be checked and to instantly identify the banks or financial operators with which they have accounts.

To enable a CBI Financial Operator to send the signed and encrypted file of account balances to the Revenue Agency through the CBI Access Bank (which may be the same Operator), an architectural model has been defined, in which CBI acts as a gateway between CBI’s Intermediary Customers and the Data Interchange System (SID).

* Measure of the Revenue Agency Director no. 2013/37561 of 25 March 2013



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