
Single Justice Fund

Single Justice Fund: managing accounts with Equitalia Giustizia


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With the objective of rationalising the management of monies administered by the justice system within the scope of the Single Justice Fund, and in compliance with Law Decree 143/2008, converted to Law 181/2008, containing “Urgent Interventions concerning the functions of the justice system”, Equitalia Giustizia has chosen CBI to create a central service that enables the online supervision of Single Justice Fund accounts.

In 2009, by using “Services towards the Public Administration”, CBI implemented an online connection between Equitalia Giustizia S.p.A. and the financial industry, so that the financial industry can:

  1.   receive digital account statements and details of funding rates;
  2.   handle the funds.


Below is a summary of the Depositary Intermediaries’ main obligations with regard to Single Justice Fund accounts:

A. Single Justice Fund accounts communications: Intermediaries send information to Equitalia Giustizia about current accounts, demand/restricted savings deposits and securities deposits, according to standard layouts, through the CBI channel or using a specific web interface (access available from , using the credentials sent to all members by CBI with Circular of 13 January 2010, while non-member Financial Institutions can request the credentials by clicking on “Request User and Pwd”)


B. Single Justice Fund accounts transactions:

Equitalia Giustizia operates directly on its own accounts, accessing the CBI circuit via CBI S.c.p.a.. To guarantee full availability of Single Justice Fund current accounts and therefore enable the payment services, the Intermediaries must intervene on any internal freezing of the above-mentioned accounts.

A list of network messages concerning communications with Equitalia is contained in the Service Members’ and Customers’ reserved area. For more information, visit .

With reference to Single Justice Fund current accounts, Equitalia Giustizia has asked the Intermediaries to send in printed form only the annual statements of account. The Intermediaries must only send the periodic statements of account electronically through the CBI circuit.



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